“Think like an Olympian”

Tuesday October 1st, 2024 | @ AIM WA, Floreat

The Paris Olympic Games will bring us tears, wonder, inspiration and aspiration.  Becoming an Olympian is an incredible achievement that takes more than talent, effort and technique. According to research, outstanding Olympic athletes have mastered a range of mental skills including self-motivation, mental concentration, determination, anxiety management, self-regulation, visualisation, and mental preparation. It is these skills that we wish to learn more about at HPT3: Think Like an Olympian. 
Drawing on the expertise of Olympic athletes, we will unpack the mental skills that enable humans to find their highest performance in short sharp sessions that involve storytelling, deep reflection and dialogue. 

Format and Presenters

Facilitated by Brendyn Appleby and Dr Daniel Groenwald, the purpose of this event is to share insights about the art of improvement through exemplary professional learning with elite performers. The focus of High Performance Thinking is making it happen. It explores the topics of vision and values, discipline and habits, and grit and resilience of high performing sport professionals.

Session 1. Vision and values

About the session

What is our guiding purpose? What values align our behaviour and expectations to achieving our purpose? The pursuit for improvement requires clarity of our personal quest and the values that shape our behaviours to direct our actions. In this session, our presenters will explore the systems and strategies for vision development, sharing their experiences and the role of vision and values in their success and failures.

Ramon Andersson


Ramon Andersson: Growing up in the Swan Valley, Ramon is an Olympic bronze medalist and represented Australia at the Barcelona (1992) and Atlanta (1996) Games.  As the Head Coach at the WA Institute of Sport since 2003, he has coached numerous national champions as well as representatives to the Beijing, London and Tokyo Olympics.  Ramon will share how his vision and values shaped his career from initially being a self-coached athlete to moving to the AIS and finally transitioning to a successful international coach. 

Emma George: Pole vault has been an Olympic sport since the first summer games in 1896 - for men.  During the 1990’s, Emma George set numerous world records as a trailblazer of the sport, adding a whopping 35cm in the process.  Women’s pole vault finally debuted at the Sydney 2000 Olympics, with Emma representing Australia. Emma will discuss how vision and values guided her amazing progress as a pioneer for the women’s event.

Emma George

Session 2. Discipline and Habits

About the session

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”. High performers excel in getting the simple things right - the discipline to routinely implement strategies aligned with their vision. In this session, our presenters will share practical and evidence-based strategies that will help participants develop better discipline and more effective habits.

About the presenters

Rachel Harris

Rachel Harris: A gold medalist at the 1998 Commonwealth Games, Rachel swam the 800m freestyle and 400m individual medley at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.  She has continued her high performance sport journey as sports physician for many elite and international teams, including the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games as Chief Medical Officer for the Australian Water Polo Team. She is also the Project lead for the Australian Institute of Sport Female Female Performance and Health Initiative. 

Jake Harvie: Jake is a dual Commonwealth games gold medalist, Paris Olympian and qualified physiotherapist. Renowned by his teammates and coaches as the first on pitch each morning before the lights are on, Jake will share how his belief in the magnitude of incremental habits has contributed to his success both on- and off-field.

Jake Harvie

Session 3. grit and resiliencE

About the session

On the high performing journey, there will always be obstacles capable of derailing the clearest and most disciplined vision. However, high performers use these obstacles to strengthen resolve and view roadblocks as opportunities for deliberate reflection and growth. This session provides strategies for developing grit and resilience - innate characteristics of high performers.

Katrina Porter


Katrina Porter: A debutant at the Athens Paralympics at just 15, Katrina competed at three games (Athens, Beijing and London), winning a gold medal in the 100m Backstroke S7 in Beijing and setting a new world record in the process.   Since retiring from the pool, Kat competes in Open Water Swimming events including completing the Rottnest Channel swim solo twice, is an active surf life saver at North Cott Surf Life Saving Club and is a Manager in the PwC Corporate Assurance business.

Session 4. reflection and action

About the session

What are you prepared to do now? It’s not enough to know, we have to act. High Performance Thinking is built on a process of education, awareness, reflection, action and commitment. Action cannot be forgotten. The goal is practical, ready to implement action. To conclude the day, we will extract the critical few from the trivial many and develop a tailored action plan for high performance; aligning habits and discipline to your guiding vision with supporting strategies and systems for a resilient action plan.

don’t miss out.
hpt3 is limited to just 40 places.

Here’s what people think of the HPT experience

“The interactive nature of the day kept me involved. I enjoyed engaging with a variety of participants. Each presenter had their unique style of presentation which kept me involved with the content they were presenting. I enjoyed the routine of listen, learn/reflect and engage that each presenter was asked to work around. It helped me actively engage in the learning.”

“Great stories, great real life examples, skills we can implement straight away.”

“High calibre engaging speakers.”

“Engaging, authentic presenters”

“The guest speakers were amazing. Loved how it went from an education speaker to a sports speaker in each session to really connect the ideas. Loved the warm up activities and getting to engage with other people attending.”

“There was a wide variety of presenters who were knowledgeable in their fields. The 20 min slots helped keep the session engaging and having practical activities after a speech gave us a chance to apply what we learnt.”

The conference is proudly supporting

whose mission is offering grants to Australian children with a disability, so that they have an opportunity to play and participate in sport.

The High Performance Thinking series has so far donated $4,000 to SAF.
At HPT3, we are aiming for another $2,000.

Click here to read about how BASC is supporting SAF.


Each presentation will be 30 minutes long. The presentation design will be:

  • 18 minutes of speaker input,

  • 12 minutes application of the presented idea,

  • and 10 minutes of panel discussion at the conclusion of each session.

Conference Partners

We are grateful to have the support of ...


Hosted and fully catered at the tremendous learning environment of AIM WA in Floreat.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the ingredients behind excellence

  • Build your vision plan

  • Enhance your understanding of the role of mindset in performance

  • Expand your network

  • Develop your high performance plan

HPT Pack

All participants will receive:

  • a HPT notebook and pen

  • gift book

  • HPT plan worksheet